Traffic jams are the most cities' curse. Why good earning people don't buy bike but go for buying an expensive car that consume huge amounts of fuel thus polluting our planet ? Not onlt is it pollution, it is also the increasing level of traffic jams everywhere in the world. What is a jam ? It's a waste of time thus of money, it's the right way to have bad health and
to be always late. To not have all these, why to not swich to the bikes, or at least to make people purchasing small city cars that are not less comfortable than a Limo. There is a big choice of the city cars, among those the first place is given to the Japanese ones :
The Japanese cars have finally won the American market being number one in Europe for long time. These cars are relatively cheap, very good looking, very safe, and it's just a pleasure to drive one of them. Here, the Japanese invasion stands for better times for our nature, our drivers, and Traffic Police.
to be always late. To not have all these, why to not swich to the bikes, or at least to make people purchasing small city cars that are not less comfortable than a Limo. There is a big choice of the city cars, among those the first place is given to the Japanese ones :
The Japanese cars have finally won the American market being number one in Europe for long time. These cars are relatively cheap, very good looking, very safe, and it's just a pleasure to drive one of them. Here, the Japanese invasion stands for better times for our nature, our drivers, and Traffic Police.
KenWise - 21. Mär, 08:45